Class 8 Online Courses

Chapter 8: Earth Science Exam Tests

Earth Science MCQs - Chapter 8

Energy Resources Multiple Choice Questions PDF Download - 1

Free Energy resources Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), energy resources MCQ Quiz PDF, test 1 to study online earth science certificate courses. Practice Atom and Fission MCQs PDF, energy resources quiz questions and answers for high school certification courses. Free learning App: Energy Resources MCQs App Download & e-Book for atom and fission, chemical energy, earths resource, energy resources, fossil fuels formation test prep for online elementary school.

The Multiple Choice Question (MCQ Quiz): Radioactive waste is generally treated by; "Energy Resources" App Download (Free) with answers bacteria to consume it, ammonia to neutralize it, storage until it gets harmless and acid to decompose it for high school certification courses. Solve atom and fission quiz questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for online degree programs.

Energy Resources Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 1

MCQ 1: The radioactive waste is generally treated by

A) ammonia to neutralize it
B) bacteria to consume it
C) storage until it gets harmless
D) acid to decompose it

MCQ 2: The only by-product of fuel cell is

A) acid
B) water
C) gas
D) neutral chemicals

MCQ 3: The solid part of Earth mostly contains the

A) minerals
B) soil
C) magma
D) rocks

MCQ 4: Energy is released from the fossil fuels when they are

A) cooled
B) burned
C) pressurized
D) sterilized

MCQ 5: Petroleum and natural gas are generally formed from the remains of

A) birds
B) sea organisms
C) mammals
D) plants

Energy Resources Learning App & Free Study Apps

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Energy Resources App (Android & iOS)

Energy Resources App (Android & iOS)

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