Class 8 Online Courses

Inventions Quizzes

Inventions Practice Test 75

Morse Code Quiz PDF: Questions and Answers - 75

The Book Morse Code Trivia Questions and Answers, morse code Quiz PDF Download, e-Book Test 75 to learn free inventions online courses. Practice Inventions and Inventors MCQ questions, morse code Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online college degrees. The Morse Code MCQ Quiz App Download: Free certification app for stone tools, gas engine, electromagnetic induction, toothpaste, morse code test prep for elementary school graduation certificate.

The MCQ Quiz: Which one of the following is the founder of Morse code; "Morse Code" App Download (Android & iOS) Free with answers sir nikola tesla, sir samuel morse, sir otto blathy and sir alexander graham bell for online learning. Study inventions and inventors questions and answers, Apple Book to download free sample for online elementary school courses.

Morse Code Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 75

MCQ 371: Which one of the following is the founder of Morse code?

  1. Sir Samuel Morse
  2. Sir Nikola Tesla
  3. Sir Otto Blathy
  4. Sir Alexander Graham Bell

MCQ 372: Toothpaste was invented by

  1. Sir William kennedy Dickson
  2. Sir John Barber
  3. Sir Blaise Pascal
  4. Dr Sheffield

MCQ 373: Which one of the following discovered electromagnetic induction independently?

  1. Sir Joseph Henry
  2. Sir Alfred Lee Loomis
  3. Sir Jeff Abel
  4. Sir James Finley

MCQ 374: In 1794, which one of the following scientists patented a gas Engine?

  1. Sir Nikola Tesla
  2. Sir Otto Blathy
  3. Sir Nicephore Niepce
  4. Sir Thomas Mead

MCQ 375: Which one of the following was the first hominin to master?s stone tool technology?

  1. Sir Wilbur Schramm
  2. Sir H.Habilis
  3. Sir John Vincent Atanasoff
  4. Sir J.Stuart Blackton

Mock Tests: Inventions Course Prep

Morse Code Learning App & Free Apps (Android, iOS)

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Morse Code App (Android & iOS)

Morse Code App (Android & iOS)

Inventions App (Android & iOS)

Inventions App (iOS & Android)

Environmental Science App (Android & iOS)

Environmental Science App (Android & iOS)

Microbiology App (Android & iOS)

Microbiology App (iOS & Android)