Class 9 Online Courses

Chapter 6: Class 9 Physics Exam Tests

Class 9 Physics MCQs - Chapter 6

Thermal Properties of Matter MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF - 10

The e-Book Thermal properties of matter Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers, Thermal Properties of Matter MCQ PDF download, test 10 to learn free class 9 physics online courses. Study Physics for Class 9 Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs) PDF, thermal properties of matter quiz questions and answers to learn e-learning courses. The Thermal Properties of Matter MCQ App Download: Free educational app for physics for class 9, physics: temperature, temperature and heat, thermal physics test prep for online certifications.

The MCQs: Greater number of molecules has the chance to escape from the surface if its area is; "Thermal Properties of Matter" App Download Android & iOS (Free) with answers larger, smaller, deep and shallow to learn e-learning courses. Practice physics for class 9 quiz questions, download Apple Book (Free Sample) for virtual secondary school.

Thermal Properties of Matter Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 10

MCQ 46: Greater number of molecules has the chance to escape from the surface if its area is

A) smaller
B) larger
C) deep
D) shallow

MCQ 47: In SI units, the unit of temperature is

A) kelvin(K)
B) omega(ω)
C) pi(π)
D) newton(N)

MCQ 48: On the Kelvin scale, the upper fixed point is marked as

A) 180 K
B) 273 K
C) 373 K
D) 0 K

MCQ 49: The substance which has the greatest average kinetic energy is

A) steel
B) copper
C) water
D) lead

MCQ 50: In central heating systems, to carry thermal energy through pipes from the boiler to radiators we use

A) hot water
B) cold water
C) mercury
D) carbonates

Thermal Properties of Matter Learning App & Free Study Apps

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Thermal Properties of Matter App (Android & iOS)

Thermal Properties of Matter App (Android & iOS)

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