Class 8 Online Courses

Chapter 6: Class 8 Math Exam Tests

Class 8 Math MCQs - Chapter 6

Trigonometric Ratios Multiple Choice Questions PDF Download - 5

The e-Book Trigonometric ratios Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), trigonometric ratios MCQ Quiz PDF download, test 5 to study free class 8 math online courses. Practice Solving Right Angled Triangles MCQs PDF, trigonometric ratios quiz questions and answers to learn online certificate courses. The Trigonometric Ratios MCQs App Download: Free learning app for solving right angled triangles, use of simple calculator, trigonometrical ratios test prep for elementary school graduation certificate.

The Multiple Choice Question (MCQ Quiz): In a right angle triangle ABC, if angle of A is 43°, AB = 23, BC = x and AC = y then the values of a and b respectively are; "Trigonometric Ratios" App Download (Free) with answers 25.426, 32, 26.742, 23, 21.448, 23 and 24, 28 to learn online certificate courses. Solve solving right angled triangles quiz questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for online elementary school courses.

Trigonometric Ratios Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 5

MCQ 21: In a right angle triangle ABC, if angle of A is 43°, AB = 23, BC = x and AC = y then the values of a and b respectively are

  1. 26.742, 23
  2. 25.426, 32
  3. 21.448, 23
  4. 24, 28

MCQ 22: The answer of cos 50° up to three significant figures is

  1. 0.435
  2. 0.543
  3. 0.643
  4. 6.43

MCQ 23: With respect to A in a right-angled triangle ABC, the side BC is called

  1. adjacent side + opposite side
  2. adjacent side
  3. opposite side
  4. hypotenuse

MCQ 24: By evaluating sin 15° + tan 23°/cos 35° x sin 55°, the answer up to four significant figures will be

  1. 1.82
  2. 1.018
  3. 0.1018
  4. 2.018

MCQ 25: In a right-angled triangle XYZ with respect to X, the sine of the angle A is calculated as

  1. opposite side/adjacent side
  2. hypotenuse + adjacent side
  3. adjacent side/hypotenuse
  4. opposite side/hypotenuse

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Trigonometric Ratios App (Android & iOS)

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