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Chapter 3: Class 10 English Exam Tests

Class 10 English MCQs - Chapter 3

Examples of Pronouns Trivia Questions and Answers PDF - 4

The Book Examples of pronouns Trivia Questions, examples of pronouns Quiz with Answers PDF download, e-Book Ch. 3-4 for online learning. Practice Pronoun MCQs, examples of pronouns quiz questions and answers to learn e-learning courses. Examples of Pronouns MCQ PDF: pronoun test prep for online classes.

The Multiple Choice Question (MCQ Quiz): Find the singular subject pronoun in the sentence "It started to rain, when we wanted to go to the game." PDF, "examples of pronouns Quiz" App APK (Free) with choices it, we, when, and to to learn e-learning courses. Solve pronoun quiz questions for school certificate programs for free online courses.

Examples of Pronouns Quizzes PDF Download: English Test 4

MCQ 16: Find the singular subject pronoun in the sentence "It started to rain, when we wanted to go to the game."

  1. we
  2. it
  3. when
  4. to

MCQ 17: Find the interrogative pronoun in the sentence "What did you think about them? You must talk to them."

  1. did
  2. What
  3. must
  4. them

MCQ 18: Find the distributive pronoun in the sentence "Each of my friends do not have enough money, but anyway we remain happy."

  1. each
  2. my
  3. we
  4. anyway

MCQ 19: Find the emphatic pronoun in the sentence "You yourself will be responsible for this decision."

  1. you
  2. be
  3. will
  4. yourself

MCQ 20: Find the indefinite pronoun in the sentence "Some people are born great. No one can stop them, they make their own path to achieve the goal."

  1. no one
  2. them
  3. some
  4. they

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