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Chapter 4: Class 10 Biology Exam Tests

Class 10 Biology MCQs - Chapter 4

Homeostasis Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF - 8

Free Homeostasis Trivia Questions and Answers, homeostasis quiz answers PDF, test 8 to download class 10 biology certificate courses. Solve Urinary System of Humans MCQ PDF, homeostasis quiz questions and answers to learn online school courses. Free certification App: Homeostasis Trivia App Download & e-Book for urinary system of humans, plant homeostasis, urine composition, anatomy, human urinary system test prep for online high school classes.

The Trivia Quiz: A cup-shaped structure that encloses glomerulus is called; "Homeostasis" App APK Download (Free) with answers papillary ducts, loop of henle, bowman's capsule and renal tubule to learn online school courses. Practice urinary system of humans quiz questions, download Kindle eBook (Free Sample) for online education.

Homeostasis Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 8

MCQ 36: A cup-shaped structure that encloses glomerulus is called

A) loop of Henle
B) papillary ducts
C) bowman's capsule
D) renal tubule

MCQ 37: In plants, the carbon dioxide CO2 is removed from the tissue cells at the night time with the help of a process called

A) diffusion
B) osmosis
C) fission
D) binary fission

MCQ 38: Considering the normal urine composition, the urea content is

A) 7.7g/l
B) 8.7g/l
C) 9.3g/l
D) 10.2g/l

MCQ 39: Considering the concave shape of kidneys, the concave side of kidneys faces

A) renal cavity
B) abdominal cavity
C) buccal cavity
D) vertebral column

MCQ 40: The limit of the normal pH of the blood is

A) 7.25 to 8.15
B) 7.35 to 7.45
C) 7.45 to 8.45
D) 6.35 to 7.35

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Homeostasis App (Android & iOS)

Homeostasis App (Android & iOS)

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