Class 10 Online Courses

Chapter 4: Class 10 Biology Exam Tests

Class 10 Biology MCQs - Chapter 4

Homeostasis Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 11

The e-Book Homeostasis Quiz Questions and Answers, homeostasis Quiz Answers PDF download, test 11 to study free class 10 biology online courses. Download Human Urinary System MCQs PDF, homeostasis quiz questions and answers to study e-learning courses. The Homeostasis Quiz App Download: Free learning app for human urinary system, kidney disorders, urinary system functions, human kidney test prep for online certifications.

The Quiz: Reason for the movement of materials to Bowman's capsule from glomerular capillaries is; "Homeostasis" App Download iOS & Android (Free) with answers red blood cells, nephron, white blood cells and blood pressure to study e-learning courses. Study human urinary system quiz questions, download Amazon eBook (Free Sample) for online high school courses.

Homeostasis Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 11

MCQ 51: The reason for the movement of materials to Bowman's capsule from glomerular capillaries is

A) nephron
B) red blood cells
C) white blood cells
D) blood pressure

MCQ 52: The large crystals of Ammonium Phosphate ((NH4)3PO4) and Calcium Oxalate (CaC2O4) that cannot be passed in urine are called

A) kidney stones
B) kidney hilus
C) kidney glomerulus
D) loop of Henle

MCQ 53: The functional unit of the kidney is called

A) ureter
B) renal pyramid
C) nephron
D) renal pelvis

MCQ 54: In human kidneys, the renal tubule and renal corpuscle are parts of

A) renal cavity
B) renal pyramids
C) nephron
D) neuron

MCQ 55: In human kidneys, the area of kidneys through which nerves, lymphatic vessels, and blood vessels leaves and enters the kidneys is called

A) hilus
B) renal vein
C) renal artery
D) renal medulla

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Homeostasis App (Android & iOS)

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