Class 8 Online Courses

Class 8 geography Practice Tests

Class 8 Geography Online Tests

Crustal Plates Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF Download

The e-Book Crustal plates Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers, Crustal Plates MCQ PDF download to learn free 8th grade geography online courses. Practice Plate Tectonics Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Crustal Plates quiz answers PDF to learn online certification courses. The Crustal Plates MCQ App Download: Free learning app for oceanic plates, plate tectonics and movement test prep for online study.

The MCQ: Place where some parts of the Crustal Plates are destroyed is known as; "Crustal Plates" App Download (Free) with answers obstructive plate boundary, constructive plate boundary, subductive plate boundary and destructive plate boundary to learn online certification courses. Solve plate tectonics quiz questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for online elementary school.

Crustal Plates MCQs: Questions and Answers PDF Download

MCQ 1: The place where some parts of the Crustal Plates are destroyed is known as

A) obstructive plate boundary
B) constructive plate boundary
C) subductive plate boundary
D) destructive plate boundary

MCQ 2: Other than Continental Plates, the other type of Crustal Plates is

A) Oceanic Plates
B) Terrestrial Plates
C) Aquatic Plates
D) Antarctic Plates

MCQ 3: Crustal Plates move in

A) two ways
B) three ways
C) four ways
D) five ways

MCQ 4: The place where two crustal plates meet is called the

A) tectonic
B) plate
C) convergent boundary
D) divergent boundary

MCQ 5: The number of types of crustal plates is

A) one
B) two
C) three
D) four

Class 8 Geography Practice Tests

Crustal Plates Learning App & Free Study Apps

Download Crustal Plates MCQs App to learn Crustal Plates, 8th Grade Geography MCQs App, and 7th Grade Geography MCQ Apps. The "Crustal Plates MCQs" App to download free Android & iOS Apps includes complete analytics with interactive assessments. Download App Store & Play Store learning Apps & enjoy 100% functionality with subscriptions!

Crustal Plates App (Android & iOS)

Crustal Plates App (Android & iOS)

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